WMC Clients in the Media: September

Oct 2, 2023 | Brand Identity, Content Marketing, Firm Communication, Internet Marketing, PR

While the stock market soared throughout the summer, investor worries returned this month, and the financial media turned to Wealth Matters Consulting clients for their expert insights on what clients need to know. They covered a wide range of topics, including the return of market volatility, tensions with China, the future of the tech sector and much more.

Our clients’ expertise and perspectives were featured in outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, CNBC Squawk Box, Bloomberg TechU.S. News and World ReportCBS Money Watch Real Assets Advisor and Ivey Business Journal!

Are you eager to join the conversation and share your thoughts with the financial media? Give us a call anytime, and we’ll be delighted to provide you with more information. Let your voice be heard! 💬📞